Thursday, January 30, 2014

Stop Running

"And if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones.  Cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs."  Daughter

Breathing.  The simplest.  The hardest to maintain.  Constantly running, constantly running out of breath.  Running from anything...from everything.  Running just to run.  Losing breath just to run.  And I hate running.

Stop running and just breathe.  Because we don't do that nearly enough.

This is not a race to the finish line.  But, we are the human race.
--Charlie L. Rose


  1. I like this a lot! I like the reoccurring idea of running but that it changes meaning every time.

  2. Pretty blog. I like you.
    And I love the comma after "But."
    "But, we are the human race."
    Liking the short and simple and beautiful. Cool mind, yo.

  3. Oh and let's not forget your music.

  4. I keep trying to tell myself it's not a race.
